Inside Out and Jurassic World Are Racing Ahead Magic Mike and Terminator : Genisys

Inside Out and Jurassic World Are Racing Ahead Magic Mike and Terminator : Genisys
Inside Out and Jurassic World Are Racing Ahead Magic Mike and Terminator : Genisys
Moviepouch - At July 4th, Inside Out and Jurassic World Are Racing Ahead Magic Mike and Terminator : Genisys . The Disney and Pixar animated blockbuster about the emotional life of a young girl racked up $7.7 million on Thursday, bringing its North American haul to $216.1 million, while Universal’s dinosaur thriller added $6.9 million to its $527.2 million domestic haul.

Paramount’s “Terminator Genisys” was close behind, pulling in $6.5 million and bringing its total to $15.4 million. The attempt to reboot the cyborg franchise is facing fierce headwinds. Reviews have been lackluster and with a $155 million price tag, “Terminator Genisys” is relying on foreign crowds to propel it to profitability. [source]