Hagoromo and Hamura : Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) Episode 461

Hagoromo and Hamura : Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) Episode 461
Hagoromo and Hamura

Hagoromo and Hamura , Gamamaru introduces himself to the two as the one who placed the boulder. While the three talk, a bear approaches, but Gamamaru effortlessly drives it away, impressing Hagoromo and Hamura. Gamamaru calls them to go somewhere else, but before going, Hagoromo destroys the boulder. Gamamaru points them toward the mountains around the God Tree, and asks them if they know it. The two identify it as the Peak of Demise, and that their mother has spoken against going beyond it.

Hagoromo and Hamura
Airing Date : 2016-05-19

See Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) 461 Hagoromo and Hamura here : Hagoromo and Hamura

Also See Previous Episode : Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) 460 Kaguya Otsutsuki