The Caged Bird : Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) Episode 440

The Caged Bird : Naruto Shippuden episodes (Season 20) Episode 440
The Caged Bird

The Caged Bird , The masked man appears to Team Jiraiya, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori, telling them the test is over. Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sasori leave, while Team Jiraiya are instructed to take the evacuated villagers back to their homes, as well as one other thing. Neji finishes explaining the nature of the experiment they participated in. Team Jiraiya appears and Konan creates paper butterflies to lead the genin to their captured sensei, and leaves with her team. The genin find the captured shinobi and release them.

The Caged Bird
Airing Date : 2015-12-03

See The Caged Bird here : The Caged Bird

Also See Previous Episode : The Child of Prophecy